· Luke Faragher · ONSIM · 2 min read
ONSIM App v4.2 Update - Mobile Call Recording Dashboard
ONSIM launch inclusive mobile call recording archive service to aid small firms with their compliance burden.

One of the core principles of our mobile recording service has always been to remain ‘archive-agnostic.’
In essence, this means the raw structured data captured by ONSIM for every call and SMS can be seamlessly integrated into your existing archive solution, surveillance tool, or cloud provider (e.g. via SFTP). This flexibility is a significant benefit for our customers, and our expertise in mobile recording has led many archive providers to recommend us as trusted partners to their clients as well.
Fortunately, our commitment to providing this flexible mobile recording service is not changing.
However, we’ve noticed that smaller firms and IFAs are increasingly challenged by the regulatory standards that larger firms navigate more easily, especially with the introduction of consumer duty legislation. One of the biggest hurdles they face is justifying the high costs of a dedicated compliance archive, which now averages over £15 per recorded user per month. To be clear, this cost is solely for a platform to store, search, and replay calls, not for the recording process or a SIM for actually making calls.
Given that we already generate and host the data and audio files, we realised we’re already handling 90% of the workload. So, we thought, why not extend our services to include a basic in-house archive solution for smaller customers? One that provides essential compliance features without unnecessary complexity, and at a price point that makes sense.
Today, we’re excited to announce our own basic archive solution, now included free of charge as part of our mobile call and SMS recording service.
Please reach out to sales@onsim.uk for more information on enabling this on your account or to arrange a demo.
Thanks for reading.